These females can be as cold as ice or as hot as fire. Today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 hottest women from Game of Thrones. Pretty much all the women from the Game of Thrones TV series are up for this list.
10. Shae
In spite of having a rather common profession in Westeros, Shae managed to stand out from the crowd with her looks and instantly grabbed Tyrion Lannister's attention. She also grabbed ours with her sultriness and fiery accent.
After that, it was her attitude and strength that kept us hooked and we stayed that way right up until her betrayal. In her final moments, our hearts were as broken as Tyrion's.
9. Ellaria Sand
The ex paramour of the deceased Prince Oberyn Martell. Ellaria Sand is exotic and hotter than the Dornish Sun. She caught our attention with her looks and kept us captivated with her open approach to love and that accent. Like the Viper though, her passion for vengeance knows no bounds.
8. Talisa Stark
It's true that real beauty is on the inside but it doesn't hurt when the outside looks at this good. A foreigner to Westeros, Talisa Stark came from Volantis and volunteered to treat wounded from both sides in the midst of the War of the Five Kings. It was during this time that she met her future husband Robb Stark.
Thanks to her beauty, skills and more, she makes the King in the North betray his vows to Walder Frey's daughter Roslin and marry her.
7. Tyene Sand
Well Tyene didn't top our list. But with those knives, we won't argue with her. One of Oberyn's daughters and a trained fighter, Tyene won us and Bronn over with her jail cell seduction.
Is it weird that the knife wielding assassin thing makes her somehow more attractive? She's strong, confident and deadly. She's everything you'd want in a woman.
6. Melisandre
Love her or hate her, you can't deny that the Red Woman is worth worshiping. A Priestess for the Lord of Light, Melisandre has seduced many, both in a mental sense and physically.
She probably would have ranked higher on this list if she didn't come off as absolutely frightening half the time. Still that whole mysterious dark magic thing she's rocking, super hot!
5. Missandei
Once a slave who was freed by the Mother of Dragons, Missandei is now indebted to Daenerys Targaryen's cause acting as her personal handmaiden, advisor and translator.
Missandei has a gentle calmness to her piercing stare and has audiences falling in love with her no matter what language she speaks.
4. Cersei Lannister
There's something to be said for someone with constant resting bitch face, who can make it work for her. On top of that, the Queen regent of the Seven Kingdoms has the looks to match her unflinching resolve, poise and cunning.
She does not mess around unless it's with her blood relatives.
3. Margaery Tyrell
Margaery has been able to play the game of Thrones better than most having been married to three people who call themselves King. Of course, the first one wasn't really into her for obvious reasons .The second was a psycho and the third one's like 15.
This royal rose owns every scene she's in with her grace and beauty.
2. Ygritte
Ygritte melted the ice of the north and our hearts with her fiery red hair and smoky gaze. From her first seconds on screen, she won us over with her ferocity. She remained one of our favorite characters even when she found herself on the side opposing one of our favorite heroes.
1. Daenerys Targaryen
It had to be Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men. With platinum blonde hair and gentle eyes, we fell for her instantly but learned to really love her as she stepped into a role as a leader and a woman of power.
She has even walked through fire, hot enough to truly be one, with her dragons. She soars above the competition and takes the number one spot on this list.
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